
Growing Goodness For You

Celebrating Over 50th Year of Sales!


Green Thumb Farms has the perfect combination of above average number of growing days, natural minerals, the ability to irrigate from the crystal clear waters of the Saco River coupled with warm days and cool nights.

These conditions along with crop rotation rejuvenate the farm land we use to raise our signature Green Thumb Farms Chef Potatoes.  They are simply the best frying potato you’ll ever taste!  Green Thumb Farms Chefs not only fry like no other, bursting with flavor and light in color, they boil nicely yet remain firm for soups, potato salads, home fries and they mash perfectly fluffy with delicious melt in your mouth flavor!


Our Chef Brand food service potatoes come with the following performance and product guarantee:


  • Each bag contains the same potato variety every time
  • New England grown and packaged
  • When cooked, flesh is an appealing color
  • Guaranteed not to have hollow heart, regardless of size
  • Maintains form when boiled for an excellent mashed consistency
  • Computer controlled storage gives us better quality for a longer shipping season
  • Please contact Mike Hart, or Torey McPherson for pricing and availability. (866) 483-8873

Sell Sheet


In our search for the perfect potato we are constantly trying new varieties to perfect the cooking and eating experience so you as customers have an excellent eating experience.  Rest assured we don’t grow varieties we wouldn’t eat!  Extensive research goes into our seed before it goes into the ground.  All of our seed gets cut before planting, but not all seed makes our cut.  We choose only the best table stock varieties for your eating enjoyment.  Buy GTF potatoes!  To be sure you are getting the best look for our guaranteed logo on the bag.


Uses: Potato salad, mashed, roasted, sautéing

Round Whites

Uses: All purpose, frying, boiling



Uses: Mashed or Boiled



Uses: Roasting and baking

  • Store potatoes in a cool (as close to 45-50 degrees Fahrenheit as possible) dark place with good ventilation. Do not store potatoes in your refrigerator. Potatoes that are stored below 40 F will develop a sweet taste due to the conversion of starch into sugar and will also cause the potato to develop a dark appearance when fried.
  • Potatoes will develop greening and a bitter taste when exposed to light.
  • Refrigerate any leftover potatoes within 2 hours after cooking.
  • Potatoes are one of the finest sources of starch, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. 100 g provides 70 calories. They contain no fat and no cholesterol!
  • They are excellent natural sources of both soluble and insoluble fiber. The dietary fiber is helpful for a healthy digestive system.   Additionally, its rich fiber content also is linked to helping protect from colon polyps and cancer.
  • The tubers are one of the richest sources of the B-complex group of vitamins such as pyridoxine (vitamin B6), thiamin, niacin, pantothenic acid, and folates.   Vitamin B6 is required in the production of amino acids, the body’s building blocks, it plays numerous rolls in our brain cells and nervous system, and acts as a cardiovascular protector.
  • A great source of Vitamin C! Just one medium sized potato can provide 45% of your daily recommended value.
  • A potato along with its skin is one of a good source of antioxidants. Regular consumption of foods rich in antioxidant helps the human body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals.
  • A small potato also has more potassium than a banana.
  • They also contain adequate amounts of many essential minerals like Iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, and copper.
  • Potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams in their natural form are gluten free.




Customer Testimonials

We are glad to report that we saw Green Thumb potatoes back in the produce department at our local Shaw’s today. I could not be happier!

SuzanNew Hampshire

Best potatoes I’ve ever had! Never tried them baked, but boiled mashed and in potato salad they can’t be beat! Keep up the good work. And clean too. For a while now I haven’t seen them in Hannaford’s or anywhere in southern VT then today they were there in 5lb and 10 lb bags. Made my Labor Day weekend Holiday!


Just picked up another 10 lb bag of your potatoes. I’m amazed at the wonderful condition they are in. They look like ” New Potatoes” here in April. Don’t know what your secret is but keep it up. Thank you.


I came across your “Steamables” at my local Stop & Shop recently while looking to purchase potatoes. I chose the fingerlings because they looked so small and tender…and my gosh, they were delicious! I loved that they didn’t require any preparation and they cooked perfectly in the microwave.

I had to ask my husband to stop eating them as he kept popping them into his mouth! Nice product! I’ll be getting the Steamables again!

Shannon Goheen, Massachusetts

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What is Primus

PrimusGFS is a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmarked and fully recognized audit scheme covering both GAP and GMP scopes as well as food safety management systems (FSMS). The Primus standard GFSI benchmarking was announced on February 23rd, 2010. For more information visit http://foodsafetycertifiers.com/food-safety-audits/auditing-services/primusgfs-audit/

SQF Certification

Potato-DiagramThe potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a perennial plant of the Solanaceae, or nightshade, family, commonly grown for its starchy tuber. Potatoes are the world’s most widely grown tuber crop, and the fourth largest crop in terms of fresh produce (after rice, wheat, and maize), but this ranking is inflated due to the high water content of fresh potatoes relative to that of other crops. The potato originated in the Andes, in the area of present-day countries such as Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. Pre-Columbian inhabitants of the Andean cultures cultivated around 200 different kinds of potatoes. The potato has only a very distant relationship with the sweet potato, which is more closely related to the carrot. In areas of the United States where sweet potatoes grow commonly, people sometimes refer to the “Irish Potato” to distinguish the two, a reference to the source of potato’s introduction into the British North American colonies. Archaeological evidence suggests that humans have cultivated the potato for at least 7,000 years. Recent genetic analysis has shown that the potato was cultivated from one progenitor in an area of Southern Peru, and the cultivated species then spread from there. Pre-Columbian societies of this region (pre-cursors of the Inca civilization) cultivated it originally, and it spread over time to other Native American groups and became a staple food in some areas. The first mention of potatoes in North America comes in an account of Scots-Irish settlers in Londonderry, New Hampshire during 1719. Potatoes were used for food and as animal feed. Potatoes were first planted in Idaho in 1836 but it wasn’t until after the development of the Russet potato by Luther Burbank at the beginning of the 20th century that potatoes became a major crop there. While potatoes are grown commercially in at least 35 states, most poatoes are grown in Northern, cooler states. Source: Wikipedia